Different irrigation treatments can be programmed into the system.

Each irrigation treatment is a daily schedule of irrigation events that can be terminated in a variety of ways.

The created treatments are not associated with a specific experiment. The irrigation treatments are a pool of treatments that can be used for any experiment.

To set an Irrigation Event:

  1. Click the Irrigation Treatments menu item.
  2. Click +Create New to create a new treatment.
  3. Set the settings according to the images below.

* Timeout - If the "Close valve by" criterion does not meet, the valve will be closed according to the timeout.  

"Close valve by" options:

TimeThe valve will close after the defined time (in seconds).


The valve will close after the defined weight has been added.

Previous Day Transpiration

The valve will close after the desired percentage of the previous day's cumulative daily transpiration has been added.

Example: Plant 1 transpired 150 g yesterday.
If 100% is defined, plant 1 will receive 150 g of water.

Previous Day Transpiration of Control PlantSimilar to the previous option, but according to the transpiration of another plant.
Dehydration RateSet a daily dehydration rate - daily water loss from the pot.
Irrigation will add up water until the defined dehydration rate has been met.
Example: Plant 1 transpired 150 g yesterday.
If defined 100 g/day, plant 1 will receive 50 g of water. 

By Sensor

The valve will close after the sensor reaches the defined value. Usually used with a soil volumetric water content sensor.

Example: When the sensor reaches a dielectric constant value of 10 or more, irrigation will stop.

See Set Irrigation by Soil Sensor for more details.

Close (safety)

Safety option. Valve will close at the selected time.