To use the function of irrigation by soil sensor according to the measured Volumetric Water Content (VWC):

  1. When setting an Irrigation Treatment, select "Sensor" from the "Close valve by" options.
  2. Select the wanted sensor from the "Sensor Name" dropdown (TER11/TER12/5TE/etc).
  3. Select the wanted parameter of the sensor - the parameter for VWC is "DielectricRawData" for TEROS11/12 sensors and DIELEC for 5TE/5TM sensors.
  4. Select the correct "Sensor ID" according to the port that the sensor is physically connected to (the letters A, B, C, D are marked on the four digital ports on the controller).
  5. Select the "Value" - Choose the trigger value for the selected parameter. Use the Soil Sensors' VWC Calibration Curves to find the wanted raw value that corresponds to the desired VWC value.
  6. Select the "Direction" - the valve will close when a higher value than the selected value is reached (more than) or when a lower value than the selected value is reached (less than).