To calibrate the lysimeters:

  1. Use a spirit level to check that all of the lysimeters are leveled and then start the weight calibration process. Use two standard weights (1–10 kg) that will cover the range of weight that will be on the lysimeter during the experiment. For example, if the estimated weight on the lysimeter will be 3 kg (including the pot, soil, water, and plant), use weights of 1 and 5 kg.
  2. Calibration could be performed while the green container, including all plugs, is on the load cell, or directly on the lysimeter plastic cover.
  3. Put the first (lighter) calibration weight on each load cell.
  4. In the operating software, go to the Calibration tab and choose the weight for the first point. Then, select the load-cell position where the weight was placed and click Get point1 (see figure below). This step can be applied to several load cells simultaneously.
  5. Repeat for the second weight and click Get point2.
  6. Click Apply calibration.
  7. Repeat the calibration process for the next position. Be sure to deselect the already calibrated positions.