The Positions table in the "Positions" section includes general information about all of the units (controllers) in the system: 

  • Alias - Nickname of the unit. An alias may represent the geographic location of a unit or its functional role. In each experiment, a new "Plant name" can be assigned to each unit, which has a unique alias.
  • Address - Each unit is identified by a unique communication address. Should not be changed after the system installation.
  • PositionX/PositionY - The represented position of each unit in the map that appears in the "Dashboard" section. Editing the X and Y positions will change the location of the unit on the map. If the arrangement of the units is changed or new units are added, the X and Y positions should be adjusted accordingly.  
  • Calibration Slope and Calibration Intercept - The linear equation values of the 2-point calibration of the lysimeter. Values are not expected to be the same between units, but extremely odd values might indicate a calibration error.

The table can be edited through the software's interface or by exporting it as an Excel file, editing it in Excel, and importing it back into the software.