Instruction to import data to SPAC-Analytics

Most of the information in the SPAC-Analytics is DateTime oriented, in order to avoid confusion, the system uses timestamp ISO format i.e. 2020-12-24T13:30 meaning November 24th, 2020 at 01:30 PM

There are 3 options to import data to SPAC-Analytics:

  1. Continuous (2 or more samples per day) – timestamp example 2020-12-24T13:30
  2. Daily (single sample per day) - timestamp example 2020-12-24T00:00,
  3. Experimental (single sample for the entire experiment) – Please add timestamp in the life span of the experiment,
    e.g. 2020-12-24T00:00

General clarifications:

  • There is no requirement to import data in a constant sample rate; any timestamp with the above format will be sufficient.
  • Missing values should be left blank
  • Importing can only be done with a CSV file.
  • Each file contains all of the plant’s names in the experiment with the right timestamp format.

Recommended procedure:

  1. Choose a parameter and download one of the options as described above.
  2. After downloading please fill out the data accordingly.
    It is highly recommended to use excel for this part, and save it as a CSV file.
  3. Once the CSV file is complete, click on the “Select new sensor” dropdown and then “-- New parameter –“.
  4. Type in the name of the parameter and its units.
  5. Click the green “Select file” button and select the location of the CSV file you created above.
  6. Click again the green button with the name of the file you chose.
  7. Watch closely the information on the screen to make sure the data is imported properly, if an error occurs, fix the CSV and try again.

Watch the video below as an example: